Lab 0.5 - Getting to know Coordinates

Part 1 - Coordinates

Start this activity using the Peabody Test

  • Open the link above.

  • Click on Peabody to start the test.

  • Answer his question in the textbox.

  • You should answer at least 10 of his questions.

Part 2 - Plot a drawing using Template

Using the template from the classroom activity, create a drawing that has at least 10 coordinates. Save the drawing in Snap! and submit the URL to your teacher.

  • Reminder: Don’t forget to log into Snap!

Here is an example with 8 coordinates:

Snap coordinate example

Grading Scheme/Rubric

Lab 0.5 Criteria


Part 1

Participated in the Peabody Test

0.5 points

Part 2

Saves project

0.25 points

Shares link with teacher

0.25 points

Drawing contains at least 10 coordinates

0.5 points

Drawing Completeness (Resembles something recognizable)

0.5 points


2 points