It’s Around Here Somewhere

In this lab, you will implement several custom blocks performing variants of sequential search.

Part 1: You There

  1. Write your own version of the Snap! contains block, which takes a list and a value as arguments. Then reports true if the value is in the list and reports false otherwise. You should NOT use the existing contains block in your implementation.

Part 2: Where

  1. Write a custom block called “index of” that takes a list and a value as arguments and reports the index of the value found in the list. If the value is not in the list, report -1.

Part 3: Tell Me More

  1. Write a custom block called “first e-word” that takes a list as an argument and reports the first word in the list that starts with the letter ‘e’. If no such word exists, report a blank (nothing).

  2. BONUS: Write a custom block called “first word that starts with” that takes a list and a letter as arguments, and reports the first word in the list that starts with the given letter. If no such word exists, report a blank (nothing).

Grading Scheme/Rubric

Lab 4.5 Criteria


1.1 contains block


2.1 index of block


3.1 first e-word block


3.2 BONUS: first word that starts with block


